My New Blog: TF Workshop

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Resources for Our Kitchen Remodel

I have purposely stayed away from a writing about other remodeling blogs. I really don't like blogs that either have minimal content or focus on repeating what others are writing about. These low content / high advertising sites are irritating.

That being said, I do think it's worth going over the online resources we used to complete our kitchen remodel. There a few that have really made the difference.

The best-of-the-best site for kitchen ideas is the Finished Kitchen Blog.

You can literally spend hours looking through all the kitchen photos posted there. My favorite feature of the site is the finished backsplashes slide show.


Why S? said...

Thanks for the backsplash slide show. Very, very useful information.

Plan It Granite & Marble Inc. said...

Love the backsplash